Since its inception in 2007, ARSF’s Fatality Free Friday campaign has continued to expand its operation and is now recognised as one of Australia’s largest national community-based road safety program.
ARSF’s Fatality Free Friday initiative is about much more than just a single day – Friday 30 May 2025. It operates on the belief that if we can go one day without a death on the road, we can demonstrate the impact a focus on road safety can have every day of the year.
Road safety is a global issue that ranks as one of the most pressing matters facing society today. The social, economic, and emotional costs are immense, and these figures are poised to increase unless something is done, now.
All road users are encouraged to get involved and to take personal responsibility to help make a significant reduction in road trauma. We are also aiming for a longer-term community change.
Get Involved
Get your community, school or workplace involved by hosting an activity, awareness event, or fundraising. Read more
Make a Promise
Be the change you want to see on the road, make a promise to Choose Road Safety and be a safer, better road user. Read more
Campaign Resources
Our digital resources assist with your promotions and events throughout the year. FFF assets will be available in April 2025. See more