The winners of the 2012 Australian Road Safety Awards  presented by Caltex were announced tonight during the National Final and Gala Dinner held in Sydney.

Darwin-based Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) won the Founder’s Award for Outstanding Achievement (Overall Award) as well as the Corporate Fleet Award for its Light Vehicle Committee initiative. The ERA Light Vehicle Committee works to protect ERA’s Ranger mine site employees and promote safe driving in the broader Northern Territory community.

Other 2012 winners were the Qld Police Citizens Youth and Welfare Association (Community Programs); Playful Beginnings Aboriginal Corporation (Indigenous Road Safety); Hanson Construction Queensland (Innovation); Lismore City Council (Local Government Initiatives); Queensland Police Service (State Government initiatives) and Westmead Hospital’s Trauma Service (Schools Program).

Four finalists from the Award categories, Community Programs, School Programs, Innovation and Indigenous Road Safety, were successful in their application for funding under the new Caltex Improvement Grant. Hypodrive (Qld); Playful Beginnings Aboriginal Corporation (NSW); Spinal Injuries Association (Qld) and the Qld Police Citizens Youth and Welfare Association will each receive $2,500 worth of funding after demonstrating how the Grant could continue or expand their respective project.

The Australian Road Safety Awards recognise achievements and innovations which will improve road safety across the nation. The Awards are an initiative of the Australian Road Safety Foundation (ARSF), the organisers of the annual national road safety awareness day, Fatality Free Friday.

ARSF CEO and Founder Russell White said the 2012 Australian Road Safety Awards program rewarded the vital contributions many organisations were making towards improving road safety nationally.

“This evening we acknowledged eight winners from a field of 35 finalists representing a broad spectrum of community organisations, government, industry and individuals,” said Mr White.

“I would like to congratulate tonight’s Awards winners for their commitment to improving road safety and reducing road trauma,” he said.

Mr White said the 2012 Australian Road Safety Awards attracted a very significant number of entries from high calibre organisations and individuals.

“This positive response can be attributed in part to the success of the inaugural 2011 Awards as well as to the expansion of the 2012 Program to include Caltex’s two new groups of cash incentives – the Caltex Improvement Grant scheme and the $2000 cash prizes for the winners of the non government and non corporate award categories,” said Mr White.

“I would like to congratulate the recipients of the inaugural Caltex Improvement Grant. Hopefully this much-needed funding will help continue what may have been one off projects.

“As well as formally recognising stakeholders’ commitment to improving road safety outcomes and providing a new funding source, we hope the Awards will encourage new standards of excellence in the road safety industry and in turn, will act as a catalyst to increase road safety activities across the nation.

Mark Leathan, Caltex Australia’s Brand Advertising and Marketing Communications Manager, said “Road safety was of critical importance not only for our own people and drivers, but for our customers and every road user and pedestrian. We are pleased to extend our support of the 2012 Australian Road Safety Awards with the new Caltex Improvement Grant and selected category cash prizes, incentives we hope will help grow Australia’s road safety industry and its efforts to reduce road trauma.”

The Awards are sponsored by Caltex, Australia’s leading transport fuel supplier and convenience retailer. To learn more about the Australian Road Safety Awards visit:

The winners are:

Community Programs
Winner: Queensland Police Citizens Youth and Welfare Association (QLD)

Project: Braking the Cycle Program

School Programs

Winner: Trauma Service Westmead Hospital (NSW)

Project: bStreetSmart

State Government Initiatives
Winner: Queensland Police Service (QLD)

Project: Project R.A.P.T.A.R (Reduce Accidents, Prevent Tragedy, Activate Resources)

Local Government Initiative
Winner: Lismore City Council (NSW)

Project: Drive to Conditions Road Safety Project

Winner: Hanson Construction Queensland (QLD)

Project: Wolffdene Quarry Safe Driving Workshop

Corporate Fleet Safety
Winner: Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) (NT)

Project: Light Vehicle Committee

Indigenous Road Safety
Winner: Playful Beginnings Aboriginal Corporation (NSW)

Project: “The Road, My Mob and Me”

Founder’s Award for Outstanding Achievement – Overall Winner
Winner: Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) (NT)

Project: Light Vehicle Committee

Caltex Improvement Grant recipients

Hypodrive (QLD)

Playful Beginnings Aboriginal Corporation (NSW)

Spinal Injuries Association (QLD)

Queensland Police Citizens Youth and Welfare Association (QLD)